Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Don't Call It a Comeback

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

It has been far far far too long since I updated with any regularity. 'tis shameful.

Not that I don't believe I haven't the requisite worthy excuses. Oh, no. Oh, hell no. Let's review my excuses:
1. I moved my mom and dad to Wales, singlehandedly. Well, my mom helped but the father was useless!
2. I moved myself and what's left of my family's most prized possessions to Chapel Hill, singlehandedly. That one's true, but for one Barry.
3. I attended the wedding (and the hurricane before it) of two best friends (but one, love you babe). And I danced with a rose. ...more on that later.
4. I survived "Math Boot Camp" with the two lowest grades I've ever received.

Now, I think I could easily go on giving myself these excuse thingies and give up this blog entirely since I am now trying to survive Graduate school in it's entirety. But no, I say, no! Anyway, I'm going slightly stir-crazy with the lack of writing going on in my life. (Read previous statement as : I'm not draining the ideas in my head as I'm want to do, therefore I am slowly driving myself more insane than is acceptable by my standards. And whilst I do have incredibly high standards, the current situation is getting a bit much.)

And anyhow. Regardless of my sanity, I'm not keeping my Cambridge brethren informed of the jaunts of my life, which is the primary reason I started this damn venture in the first place.

I also have various ideas for what I'd like to write, including of course the continuation of my typical manicisms. They're fun, they're me! But...I do have some thoughts regarding some specific ideas.

First, I'm toying with the idea of opening up a blog called The Counter-Culture Christian. The idea has been pressing on my heart and in my head for a few months now and I'd like to take some positive steps toward achieving some tenable goal. A blog, or something. Something, I hope.

Second, I'd like to share the steps I'm taking to find a church in Chapel Hill. I've visited two so far and will soon write up thoughts about the visits. I cannot wait until I find a church that I can call family, but, for all the eagerness, I envision difficulty and struggle. And no doubt some "settling."

Third, and perhaps most awesomely, I want to report on all the movies I've seen for free from UNC's media library. On the docket tonight while I ignore Microeconomics? Bubba Hotep!

Oh, it might also be interesting to explore where I'm going in the coming year. Whether or not I stay with economics. I must say, I have my doubts.

On that note, love to everyone.

CNN Says...

The federal government to give nearly $800 million in drought disaster assistance to farmers and ranchers, according to the Department of Agriculture.

My response?

"There's a drought going on?"

Honestly, where has my head been?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This Crazy Dream

(...yes, I realize I haven't posted for goodness knows how long. However, I will address all the delays and such in the future, fingers crossed on that not being a future too far in the, well, future.)

I'm at the Girl's place. (Or was at the time of this writing.) And last night, with no doubt a large dose coming early this morning, I had one hell of a dream. And it starts out with 4 naked asians.

Four naked Asians

I suppose it is somewhat sensical to mention that these Asians were male. It seems relevant to the story slash dream.


I walk into a room of four, naked, male, dancing Asians. They appear to be having a grand ole time.

I decide to join them. However, my view of the dangling, dancing, naked bits is obscured due to the rather genteel camera angle of my dream. I never knew I could censor myself so much as in this dream.

Then about 10 other fellows decide to join us.

And decide to get naked.

And dance.

I decide to join them. Yet in disrobing, I...well...I find my clothes layered.

As in, I have on about 10 shirts, 20 pairs of boxers, and 5 jeans.

Needless to say, it takes forever to strip - which astonishes me in the dream since I was quite convinced that I was still clad in my skimpyish (comparatively) shorts and a t-shirt from the previous day's activities.

However, I did eventually get naked.

And revelled in the glory of that wind 'twixt the nethers given by great cavaults of dancing.
