Monday, January 29, 2007

I Like Andrew

I have a friend who's a mountain of a man.

A mountain of love, musicoscity, snarkiness and ego.

Say hi, Andrew the Great.

"Mumble, mumble, grumble and bumble"

That's the Andrew I know and love.

I have decided upon a dedication of a new tab in my sidebar to Andrew. He has three freakin' blogs, so he deserves one lil' section to himself. And he's a big, jolly man. Big, jolly men deserve special considerations.

Especially when they not only have but record awesome, awesome dreams for us to enjoy.
Read part one of Andrew's dream here.


Andrew Stirling MacDonald said...

wow, I am so moved by this gesture that I added a whole new section to my blog as well, citing other blogs that rule. I put yours first. Thanks for everything, dude.

I am PS: said...

my pleasure, my man