Friday, October 19, 2007

Abortion as Contraception

I was recently reminded of a statement a friend of mine made. She said, and I quote: "I hate the fact that some people use abortion as a form of contraception." At the time, I didn't give the comment much thought at all. As it was made within a debate I was only listening to, I only noted it and passed right on by. However, now that it's come once again to my attention and I can actually think about it (when I first heard the comment, I was just slightly sauced), I am struck by the stupidity of it.

Here's my logic: I guarantee that no woman would ever, EVER choose to ignore condoms or birth control in favor of always having abortion as a nice out, tucked away in a secret pocket. Granted that in these oh-so-hedonistic times of ours, both sexes are flippant about sex, assuming the condom, the birth control pill, or the morning-after pill will all or selectively combine to form one great super power that will deny the unwanted/unplanned baby's existence. And, within that casual manner (indeed, casual may just be the much more appropriate word here when it comes to describing our society's views regarding sex), abortion is seen as a stop-gap. They take their precaution. They still have their sex. ('Cause it is good, oh so very good.) Something happens, they take care of it if they want to (and if it is truly an it). Morality aside, logic reigns. Logic that is allowed existence in our world.

And yet the statement in question is still made with conviction: "I hate the fact that some people use abortion as a form of contraception."

The person who made this statement is absolutely right, there are some people who use abortion as a form of contraception. Yet I'd wager those people are the ones who don't have the money for reliable sorts of contraception (birth control), the education to know what sorts of contraception are available or even how to use them if procured (birth control is complicated and condoms are...scary), or were raised in a culture that views sex and everything associated with it (contraception) as evil.

Hormones are powerful. Kids will have sex. It's hot, it's sexy, sticky, weird, fun, awkward, and they will have it.

Teach your kid to appreciate the power and the meaning behind sex. That it's important and meaningful. But, for God's sake (really), teach them to be careful.

Sexual organs get aroused. A hand goes here, a hand goes there. Something slips, something gets pulled. And the sex will take place. Wouldn't it be better they be prepared?

"Don't have sex little Bobby. But let's be real, little Susie is a hot little number, here's a condom. If it happens, it happens. Be careful, be honest."

"Don't have sex little Susie. But let's be real, Bobby's quite a catch and, well, he seems quite the big kid. You guys are dating, here's a pill I think you should take. Be careful and let us know how things are going."

"Sarah? Sarah, you like Susie? You've got such good taste, honey. You take so much after your mother."

(Lesbians just have it right.)

Wouldn't it be better if everyone had the education and the available funds to be as well prepared as we all think the kids in this society are? Condoms are free, but who teaches both little boys and girls how to use them? I know my University has some pretty fun sex ed classes. But, the kids we're worried about largely aren't at my University. And those who are at my University are the ones picketing the sex ed class, holding up pictures of feti (the plural of fetuses, in my book).

Getting kids the education and the money needed to be prepared in a world full of sex will first happen through the government - though we, as well-informed constituents, have to elect the right people for that job. However, breaking the stranglehold that certain religions *cough*Christianity*cough* have over everyone within their grasp happens somewhere much further down the line. God only knows where it is (I'm positive He does), but for the changes we hope for in the government to take effect universally, the break has to happen.

Abortion is only used as a form of contraception because we, as a nation crippled by misguided and misinterpreted Christian morals that began the definition of our history, cannot escape a history so grossly misunderstood today. We need to fund education. We need universal access and education.

What part of "be in the world but not of the world" do these people not understand?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friend, the facts are that an alarming number of abortions are repeat abortions, which tells me that these are abortions being used as contraception. Get the facts before you emote about this again.